Saturday, December 10, 2016
Week of December 12th
This Week at a Glance
In Content we will be learning about Weather. We have already begun studying about the role of a Meteorologist, and the tools they use. Next week we will learn about storms!
In Reading we are identifying main idea, asking and answering questions about nonfiction text, and exploring author's purpose.
In Writing we will be writing in a variety of formats, using vocabulary from our content area, and telling more.
In Math we will recall and write addition facts for sums to 20 or less and the corresponding subtraction facts.
Towards the end of this month we will explore the different holiday customs celebrated throughout Virginia Beach.
Must know words for the month of December are as follows:
December 12-16
had, how, down, don't, friend
Thursday, October 6, 2016
Weekly Homework
◦Read for 15 minutes
◦Write must know words three times each or in a pyramidPlace
◦Read for 15 minutes
◦Write must know words in ABC order
◦Read for 15 minutes
◦Put each word in a sentence. Underline the word. Don't forget capitals and periods.
◦Read for 15 minutes
◦Give someone in your house a spelling test using your words and then correct their test.
Sunday, September 18, 2016
Patience and Persistence
Patience and Persistence are perfect words to describe our second week of school. The students had to learn how too log into their school account to access safe websites and assessments. They were AMAZING! Many of them became very frustrated when login and passwords did not work the first time. They were persistence and patient with one another. They all were able to log in by the weeks end and completed a pre-assessment in mat h on TenMarks. This give me a baseline of information that already know in math. They were all very patient when I had to administer the Developmental Reading Assessment to every child one on one. I hope to be done with testing by Tuesday. We will all be thankful for testing to be over.
Looking ahead to this week, we will have an assessment on how to be a good citizen. We will begin out unit on systems and how they work. From a bike to a human there are so many different kinds of systems around us. We will begin both small group reading and math. We started last week to get in the routine of our rotations but, this week we will dive into word study and reading.
We are still settling into a routine. Following directions and remembering what notebook to use or getting our homework notebook into our backpack has been a challenge for some. Every morning they pass in their homework notebook. I check it and they put it directly back into their backpack. The students first assessment on their "Must Know Words" will go home on Monday. I thought this would be a breeze for them. They not only have to write the work but, use it in a sentence. To earn an AP the student must write a sentence with more than 7-8 words or more for all five sentences. Some forgot capital letters or end marks.
We are working on Place Value in Math. Ask you child, "What is a base 10 block?" they should be able to tell you without hesitation. We are working on identifying the place value of and value of each digit in a three-digit numeral using pictorial and physical representation.
I was diligent on awarding and taking away Dojo Points this week. We did not have all that much excitement assessing both math and reading. I hope to send you more pictures and updates this week. Wish me luck. I am enjoying using Dojo but, I'm still trying to work it in to our day without taking away from your child's learning process. My goal is to get iPads for the classroom which would allow your child to take a picture of their work and send it to you. That may be a high expectation but, I believe if you are going to dream, DREAM BIG!
I am excited for week three and look forward to small group reading and math.
Wednesday, September 14, 2016
Our music time changed from Monday at 8:20 to Tuesday at 8:20, therefore, I needed to change our mystery reader time to Wednesday at 8:20. Please look for a sign up sheet in your child folder today.
Saturday, September 10, 2016
Successful Week
It is hard to believe the first week of school is already over! We had a GREAT first week!
Much of our week was getting to know new friends and reconnecting with old friends. I hope that your child came home and talked about their day. My ultimate goal this week was to allow the students to take control of their learning environment by setting rules and expectations as well as energize them about learning! As you can imagine, some jumped on board while others need a little encouragement. I believe it the ground work is set the first few week's of school our classroom will run like a fine tuned machine. I think we are off to a fantastic start! Class Dojo has been fun! I love to hear, "Mrs. Harvey, don't forget to send that to my mom." Well, I am doing my very best to get some pictures, comments etc. out to you. Know that I have the ability to send out a group message to everyone giving the whole class an update or I can send a personal message to one specific parent. Overall, I think we are on the right track. I am taking pictures throughout our day and hoping to send a few messages to parents at lunch in the afternoon or evening. I love to see the students excitement. It definitely motivates me to share more. Since we are trying to use less paper, I have given assigned a notebook for each subject. Only the "Homework" notebook will be going home in the evening. If you ever feel as though you would like to see another notebook, you are welcome to send me a message and I will be sure to have your child bring it home. I know I have send some pictures of journal entries and will try to do that weekly for each child. I do not want Dojo to interrupt instruction and learning. I would love to hear any feedback that you may have either positive or negative. As I mentioned at open house, this is a work in progress and changes can be made. Below is some information that will be helpful to you and give you some understanding of school and classroom policy and procedures.
Second Grade Information Email: School Web Site: Virginia Beach City Public
Room Parent Mrs. Loiselle has agreed to be our room parent along with the help of Mrs. VanGilder. I know they will be a dynamic duo. Being a room parent is a very important. Many parents may be new to the school and I rely on them to convey some of the communication regarding special activities, parties and events. Contact information will be sent out soon.
Grading School division has moved towards a standard based grading at the elementary school level. Instead of one single grade assessment, a standard-based report card will share specific feedback about your child’s progress toward the skill and understanding of each standard in each subject area. Proficiency scores will better identify where your child is excelling in a subject as well as where he/she might need additional assistance. The following grades will be given on the standard based report card: N= Novice – Not making expected progress towards proficiency DP= Developing Proficiency – Beginning to grasp and apply key concepts, processes and skills P= Proficient – Regularly grasps and applies key concepts, processes and skills with limited errors AP = Advanced Proficient – Consistently demonstrates proficiency; grasps, applies and extends key concepts, processes and skills NE = Not Evaluated
Medication If your child needs to take medication during school hours, please bring it to the nurse. This includes cough drops. Please do not send medication in your child’s backpack.
Toys and Personal Belongings Please do not allow your child to bring toys to school unless it pertains to a specific subject that we are studying.
Birthdays Birthdays are special occasions for young children. Due to food allergies we cannot have birthday snacks in the classroom. You able to contact our cafeteria manager, Debbie Cathey if you are interested in ordering a treat to be shared at lunch. Please let me know in advance if you are sending in a birthday treat such as; pencils, stickers, erasers, etc. with your child. Please do not send in any food items or balloons. If you choose to send birthday invitation to school, their should be an invite to every child in the class. I understand that this is not always possible. I recommend that you get address from the school directory and mail invitations if it is just going to be a few students. Feeling are easily hurt when not everyone is included.
Makeup Work Much of the work you child will be completing in class will be in small group, based upon a book we read in class or hands-on activities. This makes sending home makeup work difficult. We will catch you child up when he/she returns to school. If there is something that can be completed independently, it will be sent home in your child’s folder when he/she returns to school. If you are traveling out of town and inform me prior to a trip, I will send a “Trip Journal” with your child to document their adventures while away.
Attendance, absences, and dismissal Daily attendance in school is a very important part of your child’s education. Please try hard to have your child attend school every day and to be on time. School starts promptly at 8:10. If your child is sick or another occasion arises please call or email the main office to report the absence. If your child is going home a different way than what we have on file we MUST have a note indicating that change in writing, please put the note in your child’s folder.
Snack Snack time will be a working snack. Please send a small, healthy snack such as fruit or a granola bar. Something neat, quick and easy. Cookies, cakes, candy, and soda are highly discouraged and may be sent back home with your child. Water bottles are not allowed at the student's desk all day. They often sweat, fall over and get things wet. The student can bring a water bottle to school and will have an opportunity to drink from it or the water fountain during snack, lunch and after PE. We have a water fountain right outside of our classroom and I rarely refuse a student to get a drink unless it is during instructional time or becomes habitual.
Homework Your child will have a “Homework Notebook”. Students will complete word work of there MUST KNOW WORDS of the week. These words may seem very easy but, they are sight words that are often repeatedly spelled incorrectly. I will give a pretest of these works if I feel the works have been mastered by your child. Students are expected to read 15 minutes every night. If you feel as though your child needs additional homework, you are welcome to visit the John B. Dey website. There are a wealth of additional educational websites that you can visit. From time to time, you may see a paper come home that will say “Please review with your child” or “Please complete at home”. It does not have to be done immediately but, if it is being sent home because you child was unable to complete in school or they struggled with a particular concept. With reinforcement from home we can help your child improve or master a skill.
Reading Logs I cannot begin to stress enough the importance of reading with you child daily. Reading logs will begin in October and are completely optional. Each child will get one at the beginning of each month with their homework. They will receive a sticker to track their reading throughout the year. Every child who turns in a completed reading log will receive a “Free Pizza” coupon. Instilling a routine and the love of reading is a gift your child will have for a lifetime.
Book Orders You will have an opportunity to order books monthly from Scholastic Book Club. This is a great way to foster your child’s interest in reading. I have set up an account so you can order online and have the books delivered to school. I will send home a flyer and directions the first week of school. Please visit to take a peek. Our class code is KQ6YG.
Mystery Reader Every Tuesday a special mystery reader comes to share a book with the class. The mystery reader should arrive at approximately 8:20 and has I greatly appreciate you taking time out of your busy schedule to participate in this classroom activity. This is something the students look forward to every week.
Volunteers I will be asking for several volunteers throughout the year. Whether it is visiting our classroom as a Mystery Reader, or helping to organize a classroom party, a good classroom community cannot exist without supportive parents. I understand that your time is precious and so are your children. I hope you will be able to share some of your time and talents with our class.
Communication Backpacks need to be checked nightly for folders. Folders include reading logs, sight word list, as well as daily class work. Please review the work with your child and ask specific questions about their work. Please remember to be positive when discussing your child’s work. As a team, we want to foster the love of learning. Typical Second Grade Schedule in Room 20: 7:55-8:15 Greeting of Students & Morning Work 8:20-9:00 Specialist, Mystery reader, Morning Meeting 9:00-9:10 Working Snack/Bathroom Break 9:10-11:00 Language Arts (Small group instruction, Writer’s Workshop & whole group lessons) 11:04-11:34 Lunch 11:34-11:40 Bathroom Break 11:40-12:00 Independent reading 12:00- 12;45 Science or Social Studies 12:45-1:30 PE 1:30-2:30 Math Small Groups 2:30-2:40 Pack Up & Prepare for Dismissal Please note that our specials will fit into this schedule. The following are the specialists your child will see this year in Second Grade: Music Tuesday 8:20-9:00 Art Friday 8:20-9:00 Physical Education Daily 12:45-1:30 Guidance once a month Library and Computer Lab as needed to support the curriculum
Please feel free to call the school if you need to schedule an appointment to see me. I will be available before and after school if the need should arise. You can always email me at . I check my email on a regular basis and will respond as soon as possible. I am looking forward to the second week with my super second graders!
It is hard to believe the first week of school is already over! We had a GREAT first week!
Much of our week was getting to know new friends and reconnecting with old friends. I hope that your child came home and talked about their day. My ultimate goal this week was to allow the students to take control of their learning environment by setting rules and expectations as well as energize them about learning! As you can imagine, some jumped on board while others need a little encouragement. I believe it the ground work is set the first few week's of school our classroom will run like a fine tuned machine. I think we are off to a fantastic start! Class Dojo has been fun! I love to hear, "Mrs. Harvey, don't forget to send that to my mom." Well, I am doing my very best to get some pictures, comments etc. out to you. Know that I have the ability to send out a group message to everyone giving the whole class an update or I can send a personal message to one specific parent. Overall, I think we are on the right track. I am taking pictures throughout our day and hoping to send a few messages to parents at lunch in the afternoon or evening. I love to see the students excitement. It definitely motivates me to share more. Since we are trying to use less paper, I have given assigned a notebook for each subject. Only the "Homework" notebook will be going home in the evening. If you ever feel as though you would like to see another notebook, you are welcome to send me a message and I will be sure to have your child bring it home. I know I have send some pictures of journal entries and will try to do that weekly for each child. I do not want Dojo to interrupt instruction and learning. I would love to hear any feedback that you may have either positive or negative. As I mentioned at open house, this is a work in progress and changes can be made. Below is some information that will be helpful to you and give you some understanding of school and classroom policy and procedures.
Second Grade Information Email: School Web Site: Virginia Beach City Public
Room Parent Mrs. Loiselle has agreed to be our room parent along with the help of Mrs. VanGilder. I know they will be a dynamic duo. Being a room parent is a very important. Many parents may be new to the school and I rely on them to convey some of the communication regarding special activities, parties and events. Contact information will be sent out soon.
Grading School division has moved towards a standard based grading at the elementary school level. Instead of one single grade assessment, a standard-based report card will share specific feedback about your child’s progress toward the skill and understanding of each standard in each subject area. Proficiency scores will better identify where your child is excelling in a subject as well as where he/she might need additional assistance. The following grades will be given on the standard based report card: N= Novice – Not making expected progress towards proficiency DP= Developing Proficiency – Beginning to grasp and apply key concepts, processes and skills P= Proficient – Regularly grasps and applies key concepts, processes and skills with limited errors AP = Advanced Proficient – Consistently demonstrates proficiency; grasps, applies and extends key concepts, processes and skills NE = Not Evaluated
Medication If your child needs to take medication during school hours, please bring it to the nurse. This includes cough drops. Please do not send medication in your child’s backpack.
Toys and Personal Belongings Please do not allow your child to bring toys to school unless it pertains to a specific subject that we are studying.
Birthdays Birthdays are special occasions for young children. Due to food allergies we cannot have birthday snacks in the classroom. You able to contact our cafeteria manager, Debbie Cathey if you are interested in ordering a treat to be shared at lunch. Please let me know in advance if you are sending in a birthday treat such as; pencils, stickers, erasers, etc. with your child. Please do not send in any food items or balloons. If you choose to send birthday invitation to school, their should be an invite to every child in the class. I understand that this is not always possible. I recommend that you get address from the school directory and mail invitations if it is just going to be a few students. Feeling are easily hurt when not everyone is included.
Makeup Work Much of the work you child will be completing in class will be in small group, based upon a book we read in class or hands-on activities. This makes sending home makeup work difficult. We will catch you child up when he/she returns to school. If there is something that can be completed independently, it will be sent home in your child’s folder when he/she returns to school. If you are traveling out of town and inform me prior to a trip, I will send a “Trip Journal” with your child to document their adventures while away.
Attendance, absences, and dismissal Daily attendance in school is a very important part of your child’s education. Please try hard to have your child attend school every day and to be on time. School starts promptly at 8:10. If your child is sick or another occasion arises please call or email the main office to report the absence. If your child is going home a different way than what we have on file we MUST have a note indicating that change in writing, please put the note in your child’s folder.
Snack Snack time will be a working snack. Please send a small, healthy snack such as fruit or a granola bar. Something neat, quick and easy. Cookies, cakes, candy, and soda are highly discouraged and may be sent back home with your child. Water bottles are not allowed at the student's desk all day. They often sweat, fall over and get things wet. The student can bring a water bottle to school and will have an opportunity to drink from it or the water fountain during snack, lunch and after PE. We have a water fountain right outside of our classroom and I rarely refuse a student to get a drink unless it is during instructional time or becomes habitual.
Homework Your child will have a “Homework Notebook”. Students will complete word work of there MUST KNOW WORDS of the week. These words may seem very easy but, they are sight words that are often repeatedly spelled incorrectly. I will give a pretest of these works if I feel the works have been mastered by your child. Students are expected to read 15 minutes every night. If you feel as though your child needs additional homework, you are welcome to visit the John B. Dey website. There are a wealth of additional educational websites that you can visit. From time to time, you may see a paper come home that will say “Please review with your child” or “Please complete at home”. It does not have to be done immediately but, if it is being sent home because you child was unable to complete in school or they struggled with a particular concept. With reinforcement from home we can help your child improve or master a skill.
Reading Logs I cannot begin to stress enough the importance of reading with you child daily. Reading logs will begin in October and are completely optional. Each child will get one at the beginning of each month with their homework. They will receive a sticker to track their reading throughout the year. Every child who turns in a completed reading log will receive a “Free Pizza” coupon. Instilling a routine and the love of reading is a gift your child will have for a lifetime.
Book Orders You will have an opportunity to order books monthly from Scholastic Book Club. This is a great way to foster your child’s interest in reading. I have set up an account so you can order online and have the books delivered to school. I will send home a flyer and directions the first week of school. Please visit to take a peek. Our class code is KQ6YG.
Mystery Reader Every Tuesday a special mystery reader comes to share a book with the class. The mystery reader should arrive at approximately 8:20 and has I greatly appreciate you taking time out of your busy schedule to participate in this classroom activity. This is something the students look forward to every week.
Volunteers I will be asking for several volunteers throughout the year. Whether it is visiting our classroom as a Mystery Reader, or helping to organize a classroom party, a good classroom community cannot exist without supportive parents. I understand that your time is precious and so are your children. I hope you will be able to share some of your time and talents with our class.
Communication Backpacks need to be checked nightly for folders. Folders include reading logs, sight word list, as well as daily class work. Please review the work with your child and ask specific questions about their work. Please remember to be positive when discussing your child’s work. As a team, we want to foster the love of learning. Typical Second Grade Schedule in Room 20: 7:55-8:15 Greeting of Students & Morning Work 8:20-9:00 Specialist, Mystery reader, Morning Meeting 9:00-9:10 Working Snack/Bathroom Break 9:10-11:00 Language Arts (Small group instruction, Writer’s Workshop & whole group lessons) 11:04-11:34 Lunch 11:34-11:40 Bathroom Break 11:40-12:00 Independent reading 12:00- 12;45 Science or Social Studies 12:45-1:30 PE 1:30-2:30 Math Small Groups 2:30-2:40 Pack Up & Prepare for Dismissal Please note that our specials will fit into this schedule. The following are the specialists your child will see this year in Second Grade: Music Tuesday 8:20-9:00 Art Friday 8:20-9:00 Physical Education Daily 12:45-1:30 Guidance once a month Library and Computer Lab as needed to support the curriculum
Please feel free to call the school if you need to schedule an appointment to see me. I will be available before and after school if the need should arise. You can always email me at . I check my email on a regular basis and will respond as soon as possible. I am looking forward to the second week with my super second graders!
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