Monday, August 27, 2018

Welcome to the 2018-2019 School Year

I am very excited to start the new year. There are so many great new things happening here at John B. Dey. The construction is coming along. You will feel as though you are in a whole new school when you visit the gym, cafeteria and new offices. They are AMAZING! Unfortunately, due to construction, the Meet and Greet had to be cancelled for safety reasons. I will be sending out a short FlipGrid (a.k.a video). This will give you and your child a quick peek into our school and even better, our classroom. Just as I expect the students to challenge themselves, I am challenging myself by going out of my comfort zone by using FlipGrid. I look forward to meeting your child on Tuesday morning. Please feel free to send in supplies a little each day. Mark your calendar for our Open House on September 11th at 6:00.